- Components
- Overlays
- Popover
A popover is an overlay element positioned relative to a trigger.
Note: Popover only provides the overlay itself. It should be combined with Dialog to create fully accessible popover dialogs. See dialog component instead.
API Reference
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
placement | 'bottom' | 'bottom left' | 'bottom right' | 'bottom start' | 'bottom end' | 'top' | 'top left' | 'top right' | 'top start' | 'top end' | 'left' | 'left top' | 'left bottom' | 'start' | 'start top' | 'start bottom' | 'right' | 'right top' | 'right bottom' | 'end' | 'end top' | 'end bottom' | 'bottom' | The placement of the element with respect to its anchor element. |
offset | number | 8 | The additional offset applied along the main axis between the element and its anchor element. |
crossOffset | number | 0 | The additional offset applied along the cross axis between the element and its anchor element. |
containerPadding | number | 12 | The placement padding that should be applied between the element and its surrounding container. |
shouldFlip | boolean | true | Whether the element should flip its orientation (e.g. top to bottom or left to right) when there is insufficient room for it to render completely. |
isOpen | boolean | - | Whether the overlay is open by default (controlled). |
defaultOpen | boolean | - | Whether the overlay is open by default (uncontrolled). |
isDismissable | boolean | false | Whether to close the modal when the user interacts outside it. |
UNSTABLE_portalContainer | Element | document.body | The container element in which the overlay portal will be placed. This may have unknown behavior depending on where it is portalled to. |
isKeyboardDismissDisabled | boolean | false | Whether pressing the escape key to close the dialog should be disabled. |
shouldCloseOnInteractOutside | (element: Element) => boolean | - | When user interacts with the argument element outside of the overlay ref, return true if onClose should be called. This gives you a chance to filter out interaction with elements that should not dismiss the overlay. By default, onClose will always be called on interaction outside the overlay ref. |
children | ReactNode | (opts: PopoverRenderProps) => ReactNode | - | The children of the component. A function may be provided to alter the children based on component state. |
className | string | (values: PopoverRenderProps & {defaultClassName: string | undefined}) => string | - | The CSS className for the element. A function may be provided to compute the class based on component state. |
style | CSSProperties | (values: PopoverRenderProps & {defaultStyle: CSSProperties}) => CSSProperties | undefined | - | The inline style for the element. A function may be provided to compute the style based on component state. |
Event | Type | Description |
onOpenChange | (isOpen: boolean) => void | Handler that is called when the overlay's open state changes. |