1. Getting started
  2. Community
  3. Contribution guide

Contribution guide

Contributions are what makes the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Your contributions to this project are not just welcome, but deeply valued. We sincerely appreciate every effort you make to improve and enhance dotUI.

Please take a moment to review this document before starting your contribution.

How to contribute


In order to not waste your time implementing a change that has already been declined, or is generally not needed, start by opening an issue describing the problem you would like to solve.

This project uses pnpm as its package manager. Install it if you haven't already:

npm install -g pnpm

Setup your environment locally

In order to contribute to this project, you will need to:

  1. Fork the repository You can do it by clicking the fork button in the top right corner of this page.

  2. Clone the repository on your local machine

git clone https://github.com/your-username/dotui.git
  1. Create a new Branch
git checkout -b my-new-branch
  1. Install the dependencies
pnpm install

Implement your changes

This project is a Turborepo monorepo. The code for the CLI is in the packages/cli directory, and the docs is in the www directory. Now you're all setup and can start implementing your changes.

Here are some useful scripts for when you are developing:

pnpm dev:www Starts the development server for the docs website
pnpm dev:cli Builds and starts the CLI in watch-mode
pnpm build:cli Builds the CLI
pnpm build:www Builds the docs
pnpm build Builds CLI and docs
pnpm format Formats the code
pnpm lint Lints the code
pnpm lint:fix Lints the code and fixes any errors
pnpm check Checks your code for typeerrors, formatting and linting

When making commits, make sure to follow the conventional commit guidelines, i.e. prepending the message with feat:, fix:, chore:, docs:, etc... You can use git status to double check which files have not yet been staged for commit:

git add <file> && git commit -m "feat/fix/chore/docs: commit message"

When you're done

Check that your code follows the project's style guidelines by running:

pnpm check

Bringing singularity to the web.

Built by mehdibha. The source code is available on GitHub.